A Message from Our Show Chairman Ali Potter

I was very excited to have been asked to allow a show on Good Mondays Farm in 2021.
Being involved from the start and looking at how the whole family would like to be accomodated, we have changed the show towards a festival and country show while still having the vintage side, with this came a new name, Dauntsey Festival of Transport and Country Show!
Most people in the vintage tractor world know of us! The Potter family have always been involved with vintage machinery but mainly tractors. Duke was a hoarder and collected for many years, learned from his father Pop, so we have a few rare ones, which you will see at the show, and even drive if you bid in our silent auction.
Plums Fund Ltd was my chosen charity over the years due to Fred my husband loosing his life to pancreatic cancer, it’s mostyl diagnosed last and always too late! I’m hugely proud that Phil Potter now runs the family farm along with Alex his lovely wife, now with young Fred the next generation who was born in March (2024) will hopefully one day take the reins up.
But me… I must be mad to be involved in the running of this show! The time and effort is huge, but absolutely worth it!
A huge thank you to all our committee for their time spent leading up to, during the show, packing down and for putting up with me! Thank you for all the helpers, volunteers, and stewards, without you we wouldn’t have this show!
Ali Potter, Show Chairman